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오징어 게임 1분 줄거리 요약, Squid Game 1 minutes summary,, Squid game 1 minute plot.

kmhfy 2022. 1. 5. 03:21


오징어 게임 1분짜리 줄거리


거액의 빚과 도박때문에 어렵게  살아가던 기훈이 
우연히 지하철에서 만난 남자 소개로 게임에 참가하는 곳으로 이동한다.
기훈이 도착한 게임장엔 자신과 같은 사람들이 모여있다.
게임에 이기면 거액의 상금이 지급된다고 듣는다.

첫번째 게임으로 무궁화꽃이 피었습니다가 시작되고,
게임 탈락자는 바로 죽게되는 게임이었다.

죽은 사람만큼 쌓이는 수백억 돈때문에 
2번째 게임도 참가하게된다.

두번째 게임은 달고나를 정해진 시간안에 오리는것
달고나 모양이 깨지면 탈락과함께 죽게된다.

세번째 게임은  팀을 나누어 공중에서 싸우는 줄다리기
게임에 진팀은 떨어져 죽는다.

네번째 게임은 상대와 구슬 따기 게임
탈락자는 총맞아 죽는다

다섯번째 게임은  공중에서  징검다리 건너기 게임이다
유리를 잘못 밝으면  떨어진다.

여섯번째 게임은 오징어게임이다
최종 두사람이 대결을 펼친 결과 기훈이 승리하고 상금을 받는다.

집에 돌아온 기훈이 어머니 사망에 슬퍼하고 
죽은줄 알았던 게임참가자 1번 영감을 만나게 된다.
영감님이 게임에 주최자이고 큰 재미를 느낄려고 게임에 참가했다고 말한다.

기훈이 게임참가 가족을 찾아가  돈을 나눠주고
외국으로 떠나려다 포기하고 다시 게임에 참여하는듯한 모습으로 드라마가 끝이난다.

Kihun, who had a hard time because of debt and gambling.
He accidentally moves to a place where he participates in the game by introducing a man he met on the subway.
At the game room where Ki-hoon arrived, people like him gathered.
I heard that if you win the game, a large amount of prize money will be paid.

As the first game, Mugunghwa flowers bloomed and started,
It was a game in which the eliminated person died immediately.

Because of tens of billions of money accumulated as much as the dead,
You will also participate in the second game.

The second game is to cut the dalgona in a fixed time.
If the shape of the dalgona is broken, it dies with elimination.

The third game is tug-of-war, which is divided into teams and fought in the air.
The team that loses the game falls and dies.

The fourth game is picking beads with the opponent.
The one who's out will be shot to death.

The 5th game is crossing a stepping stone in the air.
If the glass is illuminated incorrectly, it falls off.

The 6th game is squid game.
As a result of the final two players' showdown, Ki-hoon wins and receives prize money.

He's sad about Ki Hun's mother's death.
Game participant No. 1, who thought he was dead, encounters inspiration.
The old man says he is the organizer of the game and participated in the game to have a lot of fun.

Kihun went to his family to share money.
The drama ends with the appearance of giving up on trying to leave for a foreign country and participating in the game again.